GIS Project Management

With 25 years of GIS experience, I’ve successfully designed and executed dozens of projects across a wide range of subjects.  

Using LiDAR-derived Elevation Data to Identify Potential Barriers to Fish Passage

Trout Unlimited Webinar describes an ongoing effort to model culverts and dams using fine resolution digital elevation data.  

September 8, 2022

Watch on YouTube

BETER: Broadening Engagement with Tranquillity, Easier and Refined

Developed over twelve months in 2018, BETER is a GIS decision-making tool for UK park planners. It allows dozens of geographic variables to be weighted to determine the degree of auditory and visual tranquility across a landscape.

I led the BETER US development team based at Keene State College, writing and editing Python code that accesses an ArcGIS geodatabase, combines raster values and produces a final map of tranquility values.

Read the User Guide
View the University of Winchester partner site 

A Participatory GIS Approach to Protecting Views in the English Countryside

As a US/UK Fulbright Fellow, I was hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute, University at York, UK, to conduct independent Participatory GIS research on visitor perceptions in North York Moors National Park.

The work involved intercept surveys, collaborative map exercises, and data analysis.  Results indicate differences in perspectives among day and long-term visitors when it comes to quantifying beauty and blight.

 See the journal article

Modeling Whale-Lobster Trap Interaction in the Gulf of Maine

Collaboration with New England Aquarium and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to model spatial and temporal overlap of endangered whales and vertical lobster trap lines. 

Involved novel use of a dasymetric mapping technique typically applied to demographic data.  Participating lobster fishers drew on NOAA charts their fishing areas and level of fishing intensity by month.  Data were compiled in GIS and combined with whale sightings to identify potential areas and times of greatest risk. 

See the journal article

Keene Clean Air

Conducted GIS analysis of air quality data as part of a multi-year EPA-funded project to assess PM 2.5 pollution related to household woodsmoke and other sources.  Data collected by PI Nora Traviss in the form of mobile monitoring runs and wireless PurpleAir monitors.  Real-time map generated in ArcGIS using IDW interpolation to show wintertime air quality conditions during the burning season.
Project Website